Meet Julia
When JuliaTamburrini’s daughters were a little younger, she wanted to enroll them into an extra-curricular program that promotes physical fitness, confidence and balance. Gymnastics seemed like the perfect fit so Tamburrini sought out to investigate a number of different schools and gyms in the area.
Tamburrini looked into countless clubs and became frustrated “We tried some schools that were way too competitive & no fun,” she said. And we tried some places that were basically empty strip mall retail-spaces with rubber interlocking mats, a few foam blocks, and a banner hanging over the entrance that exclaims “Gymnastics!”
“None of these clubs seemed to strike the right balance which I found Ironic because balance is at the heart of gymnastics,” said Tamburrini “I wanted a school that would help my girls become better young women both on and off the mat.”
“There were really no good options,” continued Julia, “So I said ta’ Heck With It! I will just open one myself and make it the best gymnastics gym in the GTA,” she concluded.
In September 2014 High Flyers Gymnastics opened its doors in Vaughn, ON.
About High Flyers Gymnastics
High Flyers offers a comprehensive gymnastics program that develops:
flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination, self-confidence, mental agility and discipline. AND FUN. Fun is always a factor – whether it’s in the Competitive Program (by Invitation Only), the Recreational Program or any of our Camps.
High Flyers also offers an After School Care program; a Winter break camp; and Summer & ACRO camps. We even HOST birthday parties!!!
High Flyers is a Gymnastics Ontario approved club and is committed to providing a safe, injury-free environment.

If you never leap, you will never know what it’s like to fly!
Have a question about classes, payment options or would like a tour?